P.S.-Pooh Says...

"What day is it? - 'It's today' - squeaked Piglet. 'My favourite day' - said Pooh."- A.A. Milne

29 December 2020

Waiting to Exhale-Taking the Time for the Time Between

Normally this week "between" the holidays is a time that we all start the annual rear view mirror exercise...and then we go hunting for our crystal balls to see what will come. This year, no way!  The annual  "year in review" is NOT something I want to do, who does?  Best to toss this one in the dustbin and light a match! As for the crystal ball I don't have the courage I admit to even go dig mine out this year. It seems like everyone is just holding our collective breath, waiting for the moment when the world can exhale. Yet, it is hard not to look back, it is hard not to think about what might be. Trying to get your head around a year that no one can make sense of and to try to just sit and  understand- the extraordinary losses, all the pain. It is inevitable that we feel the need to look  for the lessons and search with earnest for the hope that must be.  So now as we step oh so gingerly into a new year there are a whole lot of "what nexts".  By nature and attitude I am an optimist, I admit that the optimism  has slipped as  I spend far too much time watching,listening and reading the news. My optimism needs to be nurtured and it needs to find a path with a purpose.  That's a lot to take in before midnight chimes on the 31st. Usually at this time the month of December is one BIG blur, this December all of 2020 is one big blur and everything is spinning. My brain is pleading "can we  just hit PAUSE please!"

 I have always adored this week best of all.  The time between when all I should really need to think about, at least for today, is where my book is and whether I should watch Season Four of The Crown , or Bridgerton , or binge watch all that TCM has served up, or read the gi-normous pile of books by my bedside that seem to  have been there since...2019. Maybe I'll knit? How about a hat with giant pompom or wait there are a hundred projects that need finishing, just one more sleeve, how about that needlepoint pillow from...what ever became of that? Don't forget to pot the Amaryllis bulbs... Sure there is some mail to open, bookeeping to do -who wants to look at those numbers!, certainly bills to be paid, dusting and laundry, closets and cupboards to clean out for donation boxes, oh yeah and a whole year ahead to figure out...but for this week I'm taking MY time in  between! 
 I may not be able to go to the museum or the movies or the theatre, sit over brunch or even poke through holiday sales at favorite shops, but I can close down the laptop and the endless stream of useless emails and try to find ME in the pile of neglected and ignored. The NEW, and oh please the better, year will be here soon enough and with it a world we cannot still make sense of, this week does not solve too much there, but one thing for sure it will be spiraling and we will all need to be involved and CARE!  The New Year will come with us all walking without a steady road beneath us and with a whole new list, albeit very different from New Year's lists past, of "DO ITS".   So while the phones and email are relatively still, while the world holds its collective breath for what will be, I will be too...No looks back, no projecting forward, just today.  Enjoy the time in between...comes but just once a year!  ...and may the New Year bring only health, joy and peace to all!