P.S.-Pooh Says...

"What day is it? - 'It's today' - squeaked Piglet. 'My favourite day' - said Pooh."- A.A. Milne

08 January 2017

Just Do It January

"We spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives...not looking for flaws, but for potential." 
- Ellen Goodman

Anyone who knows me well will tell you I don't do birthdays (mine anyway) and I never ever do New Year's!  Sure, I will wish one and all the happiest and healthiest for the coming year, but to celebrate that another year of my life has zipped by--nope!  I have dreaded this January, as many of us have, since November.  The world and the journey forward have the sensation of tumbling without a known landing spot...lots to be worried about for sure BUT a plan always helps...even if it is to clean a closet.  There is calm and hope in action of any kind.  We may not be able to control the WHOLE planet, but there is a lot we can do FOR the world and for our tiny corner of it.   

T.S. Eliot wrote that to "...make an end is to make a beginning." 
  I do do Lists-lots and lots and lots of lists.  As a hopeless romantic and dreamer lists are a way to keep it all organized and even though on my 17 for 17 List there are plenty of wishes and dreams there are also the things that must be done,especially in a new unknown world...how did strolling through the Tuileries and sailing Santorini get in there??

Though not always easy to accomplish, I do believe in fresh beginnings. That does means closing some doors-often big heavy ones that have been left open too long.  This is scary and overwhelming to think about doing so I plan to kick those doors shut a little at a time...and who knows where the new doors marked "Beginnings Ahead" may lead me

 I certainly know the doors to close and I think I know the doors I want opened in the New Year... but forcing them may not be the best plan.  So I have a better plan-
Que Sera Sera!!

 Planning is good but I left lots of room for "What Will Be Will Be"--Thank you Doris Day for that!!   Lists are all well in good and they can indeed provide direction and a path for planning... but how important is it to always be open to the surprises, be welcoming of the unexpected (good unexpected) --this is why I always wear mascara even to pick up the mail--ya just never know!!
So onward -bright shiny new calendars, clean desks, new notebooks, perhaps a pair of new shoes or a new bag...not an organized closet yet though-but that is why there is January!...
and let's see what will be!!!   

May all your lists, wishes, dreams, hopes, promises and beginnings be realized, may the world know peace and kindness and we may do all we can to keep those in fear safe...  and may the unexpected be happy and the surprises bring you only joy in the New Year!
17 for 17

1. Breathe! : Always a good plan and often we are so busy juggling just breathing falls off the things to do!

2.  Face It!:  Deal with it-the face looking back at me in the mirror each morning isn't 12 years old anymore-Hello moisturizers!

3. Bloom Where You are PlantedTake a look around you,if you don't like the place get up and move or paint the wall!

4. Count to 10: There are at least 10 things that are good and worth counting!

5. Don't leave home without your Passport: Santorini, Bellagio, Tuscany await my arrival-let's pack!

6.  K1 row: 1 row a day... that's all we ask-OK who can stop at just one row!

7.  Pages-Turn Them!:  Sure a kindle is nice but give me a a real page to turn and while I am at it--turn a few life pages too!

8. Spacing Out: Clear a path, unclutter the room and the mind will follow!!

9.  On My Toes: Just MoveMost of us spend our days seated on our seats and those seats need to stretch and move or they can become real pieces of furniture!

10. Color Your World!:  Go Pink, or Orange or Yellow, or Tiffany Blue-It makes a difference!

11. Change the Channel: If you don't like what's playing in your world, click!  Be your own producer!

12.  Don't Sit on the Sidelines-Care!- The world is very sad and scary - Stop and help where you can!

13. Don't Whine-Hope-There must always be Hope!

14. Dis-connect and Connect-Scrolling through depressing news feeds will not help -connect to organizations that are working to move us forward

15.When the Going Gets Rough...Keep Going!
 (Winston Churchill I believe)

16. Doris was Right!...Que Sera Sera...Spinning in worry will only find you under the covers -get up, get out and go!

17.  What Will Be Will Be!!

For last year’s words belong to last year’s language
And next year’s words await another voice.
And to make an end is to make a beginning."
- T.S. Eliot