"I've never given a second thought to being an artist. It's really who I am, and what I enjoy." Amy Butler
I don't sew...countless efforts resulting in REALLY ugly things led me to the decision that Singer and I were never meant to be best buddies...give me a pair of needles and a ball of yummy yarn and I am happy. I am,however, a true fabric fiend..bolts of gorgeous fabric stand in bins and on shelves as I dream of what to recover next. I think I love to knit bags because I get to go on fabric hunts for that great lining. It was on one of these hunts that I first discovered Amy Butler's and her fabulous designs have been a favorite ever since.
Now exciting news for knitters... Amy's new line of Organic yarn, Belle, and her accompanying patterns Midwest Modern Knits from Rowan.
Midwest Modern Knits