P.S.-Pooh Says...

"What day is it? - 'It's today' - squeaked Piglet. 'My favourite day' - said Pooh."- A.A. Milne

05 September 2015

Can I Get a Mulligan!-Time to Row the Boat Ashore

  "Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language." -Henry James

How often in the past few days have you heard "Can you believe it is Labor Day?" NO! I CANNOT!  Someone go find me July and August please.

Labor Day weekend has always been an abrupt and an unwelcome end to summer.  For me this year it is particularly unsettling as summer moved on without me. All I saw of summer days were my painted toes peeking out from my Jacks and rides with the top down and breezes through the screen doors.  The hydrangeas were happy, but I had little time to spend with them and they let me know by leaping all about and crowding the gardens.  No sandy feet, no drives along the coast, no long lazy days with a book-in fact the pile of books that called in May remain unopened.   Ahh well, no use pouting over lost beach days but...can I get a Mulligan on summer 2015???

Of course we will have lots of lovely days ahead-nothing nicer than September in New England, and the beaches are wonderfully empty...but this weekend closes the door on "true summer" the season that gives us permission to Go Play Outside.  With Labor Day we have to come in, toss the flip flop aside and put "practical shoes" on--we have to Go Back to School and back to our desks piled high with all the things we said we would get to "after Labor Day".

Via Chance

There are have been subtle signs of the season changing all week as there always is the last week of August...a few leaves turned on the trees, Mums filling the nurseries, Halloween cards on the racks and my favorite-the "plunking" of acorns as they fall and hit my neighbors deck.  Mother Nature is serious about her calendar even if I am not.  I cling to summer well into November :)

Summer is the time of year that everything slows down, nothing much is scheduled of a serious nature during the summer months- everyone is away, or going away, or just coming back from being away...and in summer it is not only perfect acceptable, but also fashionable, to be lazy and just sit with a book.  Nights are slow in coming and have a special air with sounds that open windows welcome in-dogs barking, kids riding by on their bikes, baseball on the radio(another team not mine this summer)...

 Don't get me wrong I adore the fall- crisp air, amazing colors, tweeds, crunchy knits, apples, pumpkins, football the whole bit...but Labor Day means we have to be grown ups again, not such a bad thing but you sort of get used to wearing your summer brain.  The new season also means a new start-everyone one of us remembers what the day after Labor day always meant-new shoes, a fresh box of crayons, a new teacher and a brand new year--much more fun than New Year's Day! No reason it still can't welcome in a new start-I like the idea!--- but if its OK with everyone I'll still leave my flip flops by the back door for at least a few more weeks.

“Summertime is always the best of what might be.” -Charles Bowden

 “All in all, it was a never-to-be-forgotten summer — one of those summers which come seldom into any life, but leave a rich heritage of beautiful memories in their going — one of those summers which, in a fortunate combination of delightful weather, delightful friends and delightful doing, come as near to perfection as anything can come in this world.” – Lucy Maud Montgomery