P.S.-Pooh Says...

"What day is it? - 'It's today' - squeaked Piglet. 'My favourite day' - said Pooh."- A.A. Milne

29 July 2012

Turning Pages

Summer as we know moves too quickly...days are supposed to be long and leisurely yet I find myself chasing them and wondering why summer can't wait for me!  I always make BIG plans for my summer and on that list of  "I WILL DO!" is a stack of books piled high and calling me to just SIT!

via Inslee

I know I am not alone when I say that my day to day has become plugged in from the moment the eyes open in the morning to the moment the eyes slam shut at night- I am constantly checking or posting or emailing something somewhere-glued to the smart phone or laptop as if it were a fashion accessory that I wear.  True a lot of this is business oriented of course, but some of it is all new found habits and all of it takes time away from what every brain needs-quiet.  Reading has always been the place I go when the world gets too big and noisy and grouchy and though I am the queen of multi-tasking do I really want to spend every second of my precious summer days doing that???

Nishan Akgulian

I may not get through the whole pile of books on the bedside table in the next few weeks, and certainly not without checking the phone every chapter or so, but I'm turning a page for what is left of my summer--laptop down, book up!-Yes, I still like an old fashioned book with real pages in my hand--have not given in to the Kindle yet!


So off I go to find myself a special spot with no room for the laptop or phone-now the question remains can I read more than one book at a time--how about knitting while reading--so much for the vacation from multi-tasking :)

Illustrations by Nishan Akgulian for one of my favorite bookshops Bas Bleu

Here are some of the authors and titles I have ready and waiting-every summer I try to re-read a classic or two, usually at least one from Jane Austen of course -last summer was Dickens  Great Expectations  and this summer in advance of the Baz Luhrmann film it's The Great Gatsby.  Now, go find yourself a comfy spot!