P.S.-Pooh Says...

"What day is it? - 'It's today' - squeaked Piglet. 'My favourite day' - said Pooh."- A.A. Milne

10 December 2011

Come On Cookie...Let's SWAP!

A Little Sussy
Did you know that the broken off feet or arms of a Gingerbread Person have absolutely ZERO calories!!  So NO Sad faces!

This week I started to gather my thoughts for Cookie Season.  The first place I search is in one of my most beloved and dog eared recipe books. This book has spatters and splatters of batter and as I turn the pages poofs and puffs of flour and confectioner's sugar dust fly out at me. I even have to unstick some pages that are smeared with melted chocolate and have marked  many of the pages with pieces of torn paper towel so I can find my recipes and clean up!

I have owned the original Wellesley Cookie Exchange Cookbook

forever and I would never part with it! Next to Nana's recipes this is my resource for all things Yummy this time of year---from rolled cookies to drops, icebox, thumbprints and tea breads. The Wellesley Cookie Exchange  is perhaps one of the most famous Cookie Exchanges there is and my favorite Cookie Book...
Grab the Cookie Sheets and the confectioner's sugar and Come Visit Oven Mitts!