P.S.-Pooh Says...

"What day is it? - 'It's today' - squeaked Piglet. 'My favourite day' - said Pooh."- A.A. Milne

04 June 2011

The Skies Grew Dark...

 It is was a strange and unsettling day on Wednesday in Massachusetts as cold air hit heavy hot and humid air, resulting in violent thunderstorms with vivid lightning strikes that kept rolling through-they seemed as if they would never stop coming.
Reports say as few as 3, and as many as 7, tornadoes touched down in Western and Central Massachusetts from Springfield to Sturbridge.  Most frightening of all was an EF-3 Tornado that traveled 39 miles destroying lives, homes and memories in its track.  We get watches and warnings of tornadoes but no one can actually remember one hitting, at least not with the the force of what happened on Wednesday- tossing cars, leveling homes, and taking lives. Tornadoes happen to Dorothy, we get Blizzards in this area, but on Wednesday our view of the sky changed forever.  On that day and night we saw the indiscriminate strength of nature, both majestic and devastating.
The next morning a crisp sunny day dawned and in the Gardens of Camp MP the stunning contrast of what nature can bring was evident everywhere.  As so many dealt with loss and destruction Camp MP was in bloom-peonies and clematis  dotted the gardens with breathtaking size and grace.  We wish the people of Western and Central Massachusetts such grace -if you would like to help the victims of the June 1 storms Please Visit the fund set by The American Red Cross.